Saturday, July 12, 2008

Steamboat Outing


I took a train to Sembawang, thought that's where everybody would meet. Being the first one there, I waited for Kai and Ting. The train came, and I saw Kai and Ting sharing earphones listening to Ting's mp3.

The 3 of us waited for Jeff and Manda in Sembawang MRT. Ting and Kai were entertaining each other, and soon the train came. Jeff and Manda were waving to signal us to join them in the train.

The 5 of us reached Bugis. We made our way to the Steamboat area where Jeff and I both agreed that the steamboat there was nice. This time we're trying out the Spicy Hot soup. Jeff approached the lady at the reception, but unfortunately the place was full. Jeff had to leave his contact with the lady as she will call us once there's a table for 5. What to do? We went straight for dessert instead.

We were back at "記得吃" dessert shop, each ordering his/her own dessert this time. Ting and I ordered peanut paste, Kai almond paste, Jeff and Manda had steamed egg something something.

The moment I sip up my last bit of peanut paste, the steamboat-lady called. Jeff checked the price of all the desserts, and we managed to settle all individual payment before we reached the Steamboat area.

Once there, Manda dispatched us to bring back all the rations. The guy serving there got us the pot and lit the gas. We filled our table with plates of raw food, before everybody started enjoying. Ting was having heat burnt lips, while i was sweating like hell. The Spicy Hot was shiok, much better than the last Spicy Hot i had. We only really started to fill our stomach after the second serving of food. The shiok level of Spicy Hot dropped after the first flame died (guy had to replace our gas tank).

Eventually, everyone stopped eating. Jeff went to buy us Vitagen so none of has has to bomb Hiroshima the next day. After that we jalan jalan around the bugis arcade, where Jeff wasted some tokens on the soft toy grabbing machine. Then Jeff bought an ice-cream for Manda. Not just any Ice-cream, cause contains alcohol. Kai and Ting said no to trying that Ice-Cream while I liked it a lot.

The day ended with Ting and Kai taking bus home, Jeff, Manda and I taking train home. Guess everyone was satisfied.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uhhs, What about those pictures we took on tht day? LOL jeffrey. Sent me those lehh.