Sunday, July 20, 2008

200708 - Sunday

Fun memory together...

Anyway, i didn't purposely pick that song. It was in the original background, but too soft to be heard. I might as well put the actual song in the BG.


Missed quite a big part of it since i came late. Bought some snacks, coffee and batteries for the fellow CREWs. Immediately, we saw 3 hungry ghost on the 7th floor of the carpark.


It was just MH, Kai and Ting skating and snatching around with my snacks. I didn't know the $1.30 snacks worked wonder in creating fun, and entertainment for me at the same time. Somehow there was a small food fight, then crackers all over the floor. The ambience was good, since we renewed Ting's speakers with a good supply of energy.

Soon, Jeff left us for some reason (I forgot what already), then all sorts of wacky things happened. The guys started chasing the girl? and there was quite some tackling and falling involved. Can't really tell who is bullying who though, seems like all enjoying themselves. Of course I didn't go crazy with them, even though it might be fun. I had some ideas and good skate training today.

After awhile Ting got bored, decided to play this slapping game? (Sry, I dunnoe the name of it =X). Somehow they like to get their skin red, even when they aren't forced to. Unlike me, I always got sunburn easily. Skin change from fair, RED to dark tone. Freaking lots of laughter today, as though all had taken some laughing medicine (maybe it's something i missed out for being late).

The last photo from that video was Ting chasing after Kai, for I dunnoe what reason (forgotten =X). Kai managed to untie Ting's hair, and Ting was chasing Kai around like a ghost. (Look at the photo, doesn't it look like ghost?) It was due to the slow shuttle speed of hand phone camera, yet I managed to keep her in focus.

Fun fun... very fun... but tomorrow is MONDAY~! zZzzzz

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