Friday, July 25, 2008



Today we have the company of biker friends. We all met up in Admiralty Mac, had our dinner then went to Admiralty Carpark to skate.

The whole group of us were in the carpark, including the stun bikers. Kai was there playing with a bicycle, and so were some bikers trying out skating. Once again there were people chasing each other, on bike and skates. Manda accompany Jeff to cut hair, while the rest of us were trying out routines. Even the bikers were practicing jumping on bicycles.

There, we see Kai actually trying to compete with Ting for CRAZY LEG? It's almost amazing how fast these CREW members progress in skating. Ricky is still, as always, all good with his heel-heel spin.

*Hey~! where are the remaining videos for that day? Seems like nobody upload them into ADRIVE. The song haven't even reach it's chorus =X

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