Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mission 1 - Getting CREW's shirt up

Today is the first day for this CREW blog, third day since the birth of CREW? or shall we say it's still under development?.


So far we have settled on the concept of the shirt design, rest is up to me to put it on screen. Took the template of a plain shirt off some webbie, which i don't remember where.
I remembered doing the Stickman itself until 5am, then decided to rest. I still have to work that day after.
Many thanks to Jeff and Manda who actually helped with the digital creation of Stickman.

Things to work on:
-> Creating the back of CREW shirt.
-> Coloring our shirt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uhhs, what about the pictures we took on that day? Lol. damn LOL. jeff. sent me those lehh..