Friday, August 8, 2008

020808 - Sentosa

Sentosa pt1:

Sentosa pt2:

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Firstly to introduce:
Clara (Ting's classmate): Girl in white school uniform
Siang Ping (Siang Hao's brother, a.k.a SPEng): Guy in white shirt
Jerome (Amanda's brother): Guy in blue shirt


Wednesday, we planned to skate in Woodgrove. Jeff and I came straight from work in the company truck. When we reached there, Kai., Ting and Clara were already there. Jeff was tired of skating for the day, hence straight away joined Ting, Kai and Clara in a game of volleyball. I slacked awhile, then went straight to train my slalom routine.

Soon, Ricky joined us. I passed him his CREW shirt, but he was a little disappointed as he wanted a tight-fit. Anyway, all CREWs there wore the shirt for that day (Meng Hwee wasn't there >.<" ). Ricky was there asking me to teach him moves, but soon get bored and decided to join the CREWs playing volleyball.

While I was practicing my routine, the volleyball players suddenly sat down in a circle. Hm... maybe bored of the traditional volleyball, or couldn't find a perfect fit to play 5 people volleyball? Soon Manda arrived, but didn't join in the game. So Manda and I were skating then. My bro saw me taking photo and videos with my HP, hence offered me to use his HP for better quality (didn't seem to make much difference).

*The introduction of the video was the moment he first used his camera on the court that day. He said: Hello hello...
Jerome: cannot win Ernest (pointing to Ernest who was sitting down).
~: It's ok lah... Ernest is GOD, we are humans
~: This is human number 1, his name is Jerome... ok, and ar...
~: This is the sister of Jerome. Hello... (Manda shakes head)
~: Hello, i give you $1000, turn over (Manda waves her hand - 'no way')
~: Ok, this one is Amanda (Manda turns to glimpse for a moment)
~: aiee saee, her face was captured for that milisecond

*Later part of the video with me holding my HP
~: This one is my brother, Siang Hao.
~: He has been trying to capture videos, but the resolution is bad, so therefore I take over his role
~: and this is Amanda again (Manda turns around again).
~: Hey come, let's see you do the toss Mannn T O S S with a capital T, comeon, comeon
(Manda turns around to counter the camera attack)
~: Say hello (laughters), it's useless, I'm very unglam one, you take me also useless (laughters)
~: ooohhh, did we see the GOD fall down, Wah Seh~! (Ernest lying on the ground after a fall)

So we were skating, then out of the blue Manda showed me a GreenTea bottle with clear liquid, bluffing me that it's gassy water. I guessed the water right, it was Sprite (from the smell). Then she approached the volleyball gang, who then now was playing another game in the same formation.

The Game:
One person start off with a Chinese word of two syllabus. Within the time frame of double clap (*clap clap), the person sitting beside that first person has to think of a 2-syllabus word to say that starts with the second syllabus of the first word. Words that are being used cannot be used again.

She then handed the *gassy water to Jeff, still bluffing to Jeff that it's plain-o-simple water. Then she went back to skate again. Jerome was then tired of skating and laid on the ground to rest. That's when I took a photo of him.

Soon the Volleyball players finally decided to skate. Poor Clara didn't have her own pair of skates, hence sat down to STUDY her Geography. Eventually she grew bored of it, hence took out her blue Gameboy Advance to play.

*In the video, Kai practicing his parallel slide and Jumping-X. Ting and SPEng doing some freestyle slalom. Manda teaching all of us how to do J-Turn.

Friday, July 25, 2008



Today we have the company of biker friends. We all met up in Admiralty Mac, had our dinner then went to Admiralty Carpark to skate.

The whole group of us were in the carpark, including the stun bikers. Kai was there playing with a bicycle, and so were some bikers trying out skating. Once again there were people chasing each other, on bike and skates. Manda accompany Jeff to cut hair, while the rest of us were trying out routines. Even the bikers were practicing jumping on bicycles.

There, we see Kai actually trying to compete with Ting for CRAZY LEG? It's almost amazing how fast these CREW members progress in skating. Ricky is still, as always, all good with his heel-heel spin.

*Hey~! where are the remaining videos for that day? Seems like nobody upload them into ADRIVE. The song haven't even reach it's chorus =X

Sunday, July 20, 2008

200708 - Sunday

Fun memory together...

Anyway, i didn't purposely pick that song. It was in the original background, but too soft to be heard. I might as well put the actual song in the BG.


Missed quite a big part of it since i came late. Bought some snacks, coffee and batteries for the fellow CREWs. Immediately, we saw 3 hungry ghost on the 7th floor of the carpark.


It was just MH, Kai and Ting skating and snatching around with my snacks. I didn't know the $1.30 snacks worked wonder in creating fun, and entertainment for me at the same time. Somehow there was a small food fight, then crackers all over the floor. The ambience was good, since we renewed Ting's speakers with a good supply of energy.

Soon, Jeff left us for some reason (I forgot what already), then all sorts of wacky things happened. The guys started chasing the girl? and there was quite some tackling and falling involved. Can't really tell who is bullying who though, seems like all enjoying themselves. Of course I didn't go crazy with them, even though it might be fun. I had some ideas and good skate training today.

After awhile Ting got bored, decided to play this slapping game? (Sry, I dunnoe the name of it =X). Somehow they like to get their skin red, even when they aren't forced to. Unlike me, I always got sunburn easily. Skin change from fair, RED to dark tone. Freaking lots of laughter today, as though all had taken some laughing medicine (maybe it's something i missed out for being late).

The last photo from that video was Ting chasing after Kai, for I dunnoe what reason (forgotten =X). Kai managed to untie Ting's hair, and Ting was chasing Kai around like a ghost. (Look at the photo, doesn't it look like ghost?) It was due to the slow shuttle speed of hand phone camera, yet I managed to keep her in focus.

Fun fun... very fun... but tomorrow is MONDAY~! zZzzzz

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


happy birthday meng hwee :D


today's meng hweee's birthday. hahaha. little boy!! aha! yeaps, went over to admiralty. met up with jeff and guys at mac then went up for dinner. later, bought two cakes :D one to smash at mh the other to eat. hahaha. all planned. so funnneeh! got this coooolio candle. hahaha. no matter how you blow also will not extinguish. coool :D got it with clara chong at bb :) haha. mh damn pathetic. flour, choc, water and everything poured on him. wahaha. maxed. video-ed :D gees.

gotta go! byes ^^

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shirt - meeting the manufacturer


I was freaking tired that day. I only met them slight after 4pm, which was already 1 hr late. Kai was probably as tired as me, so i didn't push him to go that day.

Met up with Jeff and Manda at Causeway Point (both were in the couple shirt). Soon Ting joined us at Marsiling. Then we took all the way to Queensway MRT station, and then a cab from there to the shopping center (exactly $4).

We first went to HVPER, the skate shop. There was the familiar Patrick tending the shop. Ting left her skates there, then we made our way to HVPER IMPRINT. I didn't expect the great Shirley to open so many shops. She must be freaking rich.

Anyway, once inside the shop, Jeff started talking to the shop assistance in a language of their own. I did what i had to do, then we ended the whole session in around 7mins. What to do next?

We went jalan jalan around the shopping center itself. We first stopped to drink, somewhere on the 3rd? floor of the shopping center, then went sight seeing for fashion items? Anyway, Jeff caught sight of tongue stud, ting was stunned about the PSP camera, Manda was supprised to see ManU? basketball shirt.

Soon we exited the shopping center. Ting was reporting to Kai about his coordinates (x, y). Somehow, we made our way to IKEA. Saw lots of funny looking furniture, and had fun in the kids area.

We ended our IKEA tour with hot dog buns. The Mustard and Chili combination along with chicken sausage was great. $1 per bun, go try if you are free. Meanwhile Kai was getting impatient, for he waited for us too long in Admiralty. We made our way back to an MRT station, and took a long train ride towards Admiralty.

We split at Admiralty, but eventually met up at the carpark for skating that night. Few of us were really tired. Manda and I didn't have enough sleep, and Kai was obviously a skating panda (O.O). I'm glad to see improvements that night. Jeff sent Manda home at around 10pm, while I went home at 11pm, leaving Kai, Ting and Meng Hwee to skate in the carpark.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Steamboat Outing


I took a train to Sembawang, thought that's where everybody would meet. Being the first one there, I waited for Kai and Ting. The train came, and I saw Kai and Ting sharing earphones listening to Ting's mp3.

The 3 of us waited for Jeff and Manda in Sembawang MRT. Ting and Kai were entertaining each other, and soon the train came. Jeff and Manda were waving to signal us to join them in the train.

The 5 of us reached Bugis. We made our way to the Steamboat area where Jeff and I both agreed that the steamboat there was nice. This time we're trying out the Spicy Hot soup. Jeff approached the lady at the reception, but unfortunately the place was full. Jeff had to leave his contact with the lady as she will call us once there's a table for 5. What to do? We went straight for dessert instead.

We were back at "記得吃" dessert shop, each ordering his/her own dessert this time. Ting and I ordered peanut paste, Kai almond paste, Jeff and Manda had steamed egg something something.

The moment I sip up my last bit of peanut paste, the steamboat-lady called. Jeff checked the price of all the desserts, and we managed to settle all individual payment before we reached the Steamboat area.

Once there, Manda dispatched us to bring back all the rations. The guy serving there got us the pot and lit the gas. We filled our table with plates of raw food, before everybody started enjoying. Ting was having heat burnt lips, while i was sweating like hell. The Spicy Hot was shiok, much better than the last Spicy Hot i had. We only really started to fill our stomach after the second serving of food. The shiok level of Spicy Hot dropped after the first flame died (guy had to replace our gas tank).

Eventually, everyone stopped eating. Jeff went to buy us Vitagen so none of has has to bomb Hiroshima the next day. After that we jalan jalan around the bugis arcade, where Jeff wasted some tokens on the soft toy grabbing machine. Then Jeff bought an ice-cream for Manda. Not just any Ice-cream, cause contains alcohol. Kai and Ting said no to trying that Ice-Cream while I liked it a lot.

The day ended with Ting and Kai taking bus home, Jeff, Manda and I taking train home. Guess everyone was satisfied.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shirt - Finalised

Somehow, they have decided to use this design with much changes.
Front of the shirt has eyes changed to white (biakugan)?

Up next is the CREW logo.

Shirt - Back Colored

Note: the grey lines are only there to show the seam of the shirt.

Shirt - Front Colored

**Supposed to be teaching lessons, but lessons cancelled. Weather Fked up.
I use the lesson time to color the shirt. The only major concern is that my friend says it looks like a Stickman with mike.

**Coloring this shirt is a good revision for my photoshop.

Making the back of CREW shirt

Today finally created the back of the shirt design. After this is more or less done already.
Things left:
-> Coloring
-> Fonts selection
-> Minor design details
-> Deciding the caption the use
-> Putting of individual names

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mission 1 - Getting CREW's shirt up

Today is the first day for this CREW blog, third day since the birth of CREW? or shall we say it's still under development?.


So far we have settled on the concept of the shirt design, rest is up to me to put it on screen. Took the template of a plain shirt off some webbie, which i don't remember where.
I remembered doing the Stickman itself until 5am, then decided to rest. I still have to work that day after.
Many thanks to Jeff and Manda who actually helped with the digital creation of Stickman.

Things to work on:
-> Creating the back of CREW shirt.
-> Coloring our shirt.