Friday, August 8, 2008

020808 - Sentosa

Sentosa pt1:

Sentosa pt2:

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Firstly to introduce:
Clara (Ting's classmate): Girl in white school uniform
Siang Ping (Siang Hao's brother, a.k.a SPEng): Guy in white shirt
Jerome (Amanda's brother): Guy in blue shirt


Wednesday, we planned to skate in Woodgrove. Jeff and I came straight from work in the company truck. When we reached there, Kai., Ting and Clara were already there. Jeff was tired of skating for the day, hence straight away joined Ting, Kai and Clara in a game of volleyball. I slacked awhile, then went straight to train my slalom routine.

Soon, Ricky joined us. I passed him his CREW shirt, but he was a little disappointed as he wanted a tight-fit. Anyway, all CREWs there wore the shirt for that day (Meng Hwee wasn't there >.<" ). Ricky was there asking me to teach him moves, but soon get bored and decided to join the CREWs playing volleyball.

While I was practicing my routine, the volleyball players suddenly sat down in a circle. Hm... maybe bored of the traditional volleyball, or couldn't find a perfect fit to play 5 people volleyball? Soon Manda arrived, but didn't join in the game. So Manda and I were skating then. My bro saw me taking photo and videos with my HP, hence offered me to use his HP for better quality (didn't seem to make much difference).

*The introduction of the video was the moment he first used his camera on the court that day. He said: Hello hello...
Jerome: cannot win Ernest (pointing to Ernest who was sitting down).
~: It's ok lah... Ernest is GOD, we are humans
~: This is human number 1, his name is Jerome... ok, and ar...
~: This is the sister of Jerome. Hello... (Manda shakes head)
~: Hello, i give you $1000, turn over (Manda waves her hand - 'no way')
~: Ok, this one is Amanda (Manda turns to glimpse for a moment)
~: aiee saee, her face was captured for that milisecond

*Later part of the video with me holding my HP
~: This one is my brother, Siang Hao.
~: He has been trying to capture videos, but the resolution is bad, so therefore I take over his role
~: and this is Amanda again (Manda turns around again).
~: Hey come, let's see you do the toss Mannn T O S S with a capital T, comeon, comeon
(Manda turns around to counter the camera attack)
~: Say hello (laughters), it's useless, I'm very unglam one, you take me also useless (laughters)
~: ooohhh, did we see the GOD fall down, Wah Seh~! (Ernest lying on the ground after a fall)

So we were skating, then out of the blue Manda showed me a GreenTea bottle with clear liquid, bluffing me that it's gassy water. I guessed the water right, it was Sprite (from the smell). Then she approached the volleyball gang, who then now was playing another game in the same formation.

The Game:
One person start off with a Chinese word of two syllabus. Within the time frame of double clap (*clap clap), the person sitting beside that first person has to think of a 2-syllabus word to say that starts with the second syllabus of the first word. Words that are being used cannot be used again.

She then handed the *gassy water to Jeff, still bluffing to Jeff that it's plain-o-simple water. Then she went back to skate again. Jerome was then tired of skating and laid on the ground to rest. That's when I took a photo of him.

Soon the Volleyball players finally decided to skate. Poor Clara didn't have her own pair of skates, hence sat down to STUDY her Geography. Eventually she grew bored of it, hence took out her blue Gameboy Advance to play.

*In the video, Kai practicing his parallel slide and Jumping-X. Ting and SPEng doing some freestyle slalom. Manda teaching all of us how to do J-Turn.